How do I schedule an appointment?

Call, text or email to schedule an appointment. All compensation for services will be accepted when you arrive for your session.

Where is Enhancing Energy Collective located?

Enhancing Energy Collective is located at our private centre in Chilliwack, BC. Please respect this private space. Our Eesystem center is located downstairs on the lower level (four flights, wide stairs, sturdy railings on the way down). There are 2 cats in this space and you may see them on your way through to the Eesystem room. Remember to remove your shoes at the front door. House slippers/shoes can be brought with you and worn inside, but no outside shoes are allowed past the front door entrance area.

What about parking?

There is visitor parking on the top row where we are located, a short walk away (map to be emailed), one spot will be reserved in the driveway for anyone who has mobility issues.

How much time do I need for a session?

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the inventor of the energy enhancement systems recommends starting with a 2- hour session and then building up from there. There is no limit to the healing sessions benefits….the longer the better!

What will I feel after my Eesystem session?

  1. Each person may experience something different, here are just a few of the possibilities.

  2. Feelings of Calmness & Peace

  3. Healing & Rejuvenation

  4. Sense of Increased Energy

  5. Relief from Depression

  6. More Emotionally Clear & Free

  7. Rapid Post Surgical Healing

  8. Improved Inner Direction

  9. Less Attachment to Past Traumas

  10. Being more Present

  11. Better Response to Stressors

  12. Detoxification

What should I bring to my session?

Come with an open heart and mind, ready to unplug, relax, and support your body’s natural healing ability. Please be as hydrated as much as possible prior to your session. Be sure you’re not hungry, but don’t eat a giant meal before your session. The rest/repair part of our nervous system also controls digestion. To optimize your energy enhancement effects, it’s good to be comfortably full, but not expending energy on digestion. Beneficial items to bring to your session: Water is the most important one, water bottles are encouraged. We also encourage members to bring their own slippers, a sleep mask and ear plugs may be helpful depending on your own personal preference. Dress comfortably with layers. You may feel a little chilly as you relax. Food will not be allowed in the healing room.

Are there any side effects?

The effects of sitting in the scalar energy are cumulative. The more you sit in it, the more the body moves towards a healthy level. The deeper you relax, the more profound the results. The response has been growing as individuals make the time to come in and experience this technology. Expect varying levels of detox symptoms that depend on each individual and their health. Some have had up to three sessions of experiencing detoxification symptoms. This can include anything from a foggy brain, headache, aches in the weak parts of your body, or loose bowel movements. Eventually, your sessions become only relaxing and meditative. Others come in and find it peaceful and extremely relaxing the first time they experience it.

Please visit eesystem.com for more information.

Are overnights available?

Not at this time.

Are private sessions available?

Private sessions are available, please enquire about the details.

Are pets allowed?

Please call and enquire and we may be able to accommodate your fur baby.


Are children allowed?

Please enquire by phone.